miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015


The Abortion is a topic very complicated, because you can discuss from many viewpoints, for example, belief, legality, medically, etc.

In Chile fetus is not considerate by law Chilean as human being. Despite this the abortion is not legal in our country. I think that the abortion should be legal in any situation, but especially when the mother or the fetus have medical complication, or yours lives are at risk.

Every woman should have the right to abort and not be subjected to nine months of pregnancy.  Abortion is not an easy decision, so there should be a support to the mother or family, especially when the mother is under 21 years.

I think the legalization of abortion goes beyond personal belief, religion must be considered in the discussion but this can’t be the central argument to determine the illegality of this. Every woman is free to choose to does with his body. Abortion does not make you a bad woman, is only one option at a certain time of life, for different reason. And it does not sentence you not to be a mother to the future.  

My Favitite Photograph

This is one of my favorite photographs. I was traveling with my family to Argentina, in February this year. On the trip we decided to stop to eat something and advantage to take photos of the high mountains. Then I saw a condor flying with its large wings spread, imposing its beauty and dominion. And I managed to capture with my camera while flying condor,

This fotograís I really like, because it shows freedom. The flight of a bird for me is calm, it is peace, feel freedom to go where you want with nothing to tie me to a place. The sun is energy and power, which is complemented by the imposing flight of condor.

This photograph shows my deepest feelings and dreams of freedom, of being able to feel the cool wind on my face, be able to look from the sky all the wonders of this world and especially to fly to the sun without fear of burn me.

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

My expectations and dreams

Today I am studying sociology and fourth year and my expectations are forward end my career. Besides these academic activities I'm participating in salsa lessons at the University, and I work three days a week.
I´d like to travel around Latin America,  I’d like to learn Bolivia, Ecuador, Brasil. I work in the year to travel in the summer. It is fascinating to know places and new cultures, I think that traveling is one of the best schools that we have in life. I dream of finishing my career and travel the world.

As a sociologist I would not like to lock me in an office to work, I like working with people, sharing their local customs and beliefs.

These are my dreams and I work today to come true tomorrow.