jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

Post 10: English Challenges

Hello every body,

This is a final Blogs. and today I'm going to wright about my English experience and  English Challenges.
First I would like mention that I don't like English. The English is very difficult for me, but I think it is very important for my life, especially for my career, Sociology.
Despite of I don't like English, I think, is very important study  English in the university, because it is necessary for my  professional achievement.
I think not only does English serve for my career, or my profession, but also it serve for interaction with the different persons, the English is very useful for to travel, although every time exist different way for to express what I fell.

In general I think that I need the practice vocabulary, because without vocabulary is very difficult understand what I reed or what I listen, but in most difficult talk  in English.
Many time I reach understand what I listen but I need time for process in my mind the information, it is the reason because many time  I be late in answer.

I think that learn any language, is don't enough to have classes once a week. I think the best way for learn a language is live in a place where to use this language. In the future, my idea is live in any place where I be compulsory to use the English. I think that is only form for learn the English.

In my life I don't using English outside the English class, because in this moment is not necessary in my life, but I know that any day I need the English.

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