Hello, today I going to right about my future job.
I would like work whit the different persons, specially whit a ethnic cultures. I like know different realities, different cultures, different bilifes, etc.
I wouldn't like work in an office or behind the computer, I think that in very boring and I can't know the reality. The reality is known in the streets, in land, talking whit the personas, looking the thinks, looking the different relations between persons.
I would like live whit a community, and there make a investigation about your culture, your traditions, your way from looking the life. I would like work in some country from Africa, although isn't a sociological investigation, I would can teach of reed, or writhe of childrens poor.
I think the job would be something that cause happiness, that you feeling good with your work.
In the future I would like follow studying, for specialize and can help in a better way for the persons. Also I would like follow studying for understand in a better way the different societies and cultures.
This is that I would like can, but the future is uncertain, for that I would work in that I find according to my knowledge.
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